Why Having A Sleep Routine Matters

Consistency is king.

In everything we do.

Going to the gym. Cooking. Writing. Relationships. Shooting hoops.

If you want a routine that works, you must be consistent.

And sleep is no exception.

One of the best ways to sleep well every single night is to have a sleep routine.

It's clear. The actions you take before bed have consequences on your quality of sleep.

Well... why does a sleep routine matter, you ask?


1. It helps you fall asleep fast

2. It helps you stay asleep for longer; and

3. It helps you feel energised when you wake up in the mornings

That's the ultimate trifecta right there.

Sleep faster, sleep longer and feel better when you wake up.

A perfected sleep routine reduces the variance of bad results for all three.

But makes a good sleep routine? 

Lets dive into it:


1. Sensory Shutdown

The environment around you plays a crucial role in signalling to our body and brain that it's time to sleep.

The obvious one is to stop using your phone and laptop before bed.

We've been told that a thousand times.

Is it realistic?

Not really.

Many people struggle with this one, including myself.

But there are other components of your sleep environment that are easier to change and should be actioned.


  • Sight: Use soft, warm lighting with lamps or candles, instead of bright white lights. This mimics the setting of the sun, which cues your circadian rhythm. There are blue light lamps that work great for this.
  • Sound: Incorporate white noise or a soundscape that mimics nature, like gentle rain or beach sounds, to create a calming auditory environment. If live near a busy road like me, consider non-intrusive earplugs (Loop earplugs are great)
  • Smell: Introduce soothing scents such as lavender or Eucalyptus into your bedroom. Resting on a COZO Eucalyptus silk pillowcase will soothe and relax your body before bed. It also possesses cooling properties, which we'll discuss later.


2. The Evening Wind Down

I'm so guilty of this one, it's not even funny.

Never. And I mean NEVER. Try to sleep with things on your mind.

If something's bothering you or you're stressed, do not try and go to sleep.

You will replay what you are thinking in your head over and over and not sleep.

I get it.

It's easier said than done, but if you don't feel like you're in a good headspace, try this.

Spend 10-15 minutes jotting down thoughts, to-dos, or worries in a note book.

For me, that would be writing down all the things I had to do at work the next day. (This would stress me)

It sounds stupid, but the routine of doing this actually helps clear your mind.

I've also found that if you're still bothered, don't try and force sleep. 

Go have a shower or try and read for 15 minutes. 

You'd be surprised how journalling for 15 minutes a night can make you a consistent sleeper.


3. Bedroom Temperature

Before you fall asleep, your body's core temperature drops.

You won't fall asleep until this happens.

So your bedroom temperature is important.

Here's a few temperature hacks:

  • Take a warm bath or shower earlier in the evening, which leads to a body temperature drop.
  • Ensure your bedroom remains cool, around 18°C.
  • If it's hot in summer, consider using a wet, cool towel (this works v. well) 
  • Make sure your sleep products are temperature-regulating and remain cool at night. Shameless plug, but COZO’s Eucalyptus silk sleep masks and pillowcases are temperature regulating, keeping you comforable & cool throughout the night.


4. Your Diet Before Bed

What you eat before bed can impact sleep quality. I'm not going to get into the details here, because I wrote a newsletter segment on it. If you want to learn about the best snacks to help you fall asleep at night, click here.


5. Embrace the Power of Movement

Stretch before bed. I'm serious.

It helps relieve physical tension and prepares your body for bed.

Focus on poses that trigger relaxation, like the up dog pose.


6. Conclusion

So there you have it.

Try and incorporate these techniques into your sleep routine for consistent, high quality sleep. 

Some will stick and remain as part of your sleep routine. Others may be hard to maintain. The purpose is to try and form good sleep routine habits so you fall asleep fast, for longer and feel great when you wake up in the morning.

Sleep easy,

- Jim

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