Eucalyptus vs. Mulberry Silk

What the hell is Eucalyptus and Mulberry Silk?


Jim here.

So recently, COZO has been getting A LOT of questions like:

  • "What is your Eucalyptus material?"
  • "How is it vegan?"
  • "Wait, aren't worms used to produce silk?
  • "How does that work?"
  • "What am I even buying!?"

Trust me, I get it... they are valid questions.

So I've decided to do an explainer on EVERYTHING to do with Eucalyptus silk and Mulberry silk

The aim is to:

1. Provide a concise yet informative overview of our Eucalyptus material;

2. Outline the amazing benefits of Eucalyptus silk; and

3. Explain how Eucalyptus silk compares and differs to Mulberry;

Don't be mistaken.

This is very important to understand when purchasing silk products.

There are BIG health benefits for you in making the right decision on the kind of sleepwear you use every night.

Not only that, your choice has a big impact on the environment and the animals that live within it.

We care about it.

And so should you.  

Treat this as your first step towards a healthier sleep and a more sustainable life.

What is Eucalyptus Silk?

Eucalyptus silk, or as it is commonly referred to as Tencel Lyocell, is the new girl on the block when it comes to the fabric world.

It's made from the wood of Eucalyptus trees.

The wood pulp of the Eucalyptus tree is broken down into a smooth fiber. This is then spun into a soft, silk-like fabric.

Here is a simple infographic that depicts the process: 

This is a unique process when compared to the production of traditional silk.

Hint: Silk worms play a large and unfortunate role, which we will discuss later. 

From a wild life preservation and sustainability perspective, this is an unbelievable discovery. 

I know what you are about to say. I can almost feel the question you are about to ask...

"Chopping down trees isn't good for the environment - how is that sustainable?"

Good question.

Put simply, the wood used is responsibly sourced from sustainably managed plantations.

One of the main ways it is sourced is through the "thinning process".

The thinning process is where weaker or less healthy trees are selectively removed.

By doing this, the remaining trees, which are often the strongest or the best for a specific purpose, have more room and resources to grow.

This not only helps the individual trees to become healthier and stronger, but also benefits the overall health of the forest.

Not only that, throughout the thinning process a Eucalyptus tree is planted for every tree that falls. 

As you can tell, we take this very seriously.

Rest assured, COZO only partners with suppliers who source wood in a sustainable and responsible manner.

So that's a quick explainer on Eucalyptus silk. Lets carry on...

Why Eucalyptus Silk Over Others?

There are many reasons why. 

Lets first talk about the Eucalyptus silk closed loop process compared to Mulberry silk. 

Traditional silk demands high water usage in production.

It comes with a hefty carbon footprint due to transportation and temperature requirements.

Well, Eucalyptus silk is the opposite.

It grows fast, requires minimal water, and thrives without chemicals and pesticides.

And when it comes to the production cycle, almost all the water and the solvents used are recyclable.

The ethical benefit is even more pronounced.

No animals are harmed in the production of Eucalyptus silk.

Most people don't realise the severity of harm inflicted on silkworms in the production of Mulberry silk. 

"Sericulture" is the process used to create mulberry silk.

It's complex but the main elements involve:

  • Silkworms (who eat mulberry leaves) are boiled inside of their cocoon to extract the silk
  • This kills the silkworm in the process.
  • The silk threads are then unspooled to form yarn, which makes the silk fabric. 

If that sounds awful, it gets worse.

The ombyx mori, which is the species of worm/moth used, has lost its ability to fly, see, camouflage, and fear predators due to selective breeding.

It is completely dependent on humans for its survival and no longer exists in the wild.

So yeah ... the Mulberry silk production process makes the Eucalyptus process sound like heaven.

And outside of the clear sustainability and ethical wins, Eucalyptus silk is:

  • Hypoallergenic
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Has natural cooling properties
  • Perfect for sensitive skin and protection of hair 

To emphasis this point, Eucalyptus has a natural organic compound referred to as Cineole, also know as Eucalyptol. It's amazing for your skin. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Soothes Skin Inflammation: Sleeping on eucalyptus silk pillowcases with cineole helps calm skin irritation, beneficial for acne and eczema sufferers.
  • Antimicrobial Action: These pillowcases offer a cleaner sleeping surface, as cineole's antimicrobial properties combat skin infections by hindering bacteria and fungi.
  • Gentle on Skin: The natural composition of eucalyptus silk, infused with cineole, ensures a gentle touch, minimising any irritation for sensitive skin types.
  • Enhanced Skin Care: Cineole in eucalyptus silk can aid in better absorption of skin care products, making your nighttime routine more effective.
  • Protects Against Environmental Stressors: Regular use can shield your skin from everyday pollutants and UV damage, thanks to cineole's potential antioxidant effects.
  • Hydration Support: While not directly moisturising, sleeping on these pillowcases can complement your skin's hydration needs due to the overall benefits of eucalyptus silk.

Convinced yet? The evidence is pretty damning. 

But let's talk about Mulberry silk.

Specifically, the type of Mulberry silk used in COZO products - 6A 22-Momme Mulberry Silk.

6A? 22-Momme? Mulberry Silk? Please Explain.

I'm sure you've seen these terms thrown around by other big silk companies.

6A; 22-Momme?

What is this, a secret code for spies?

No, although that would be pretty cool...

Let me explain. First with 6A.


Picture silk grades like a report card: A, B and C, with A topping the charts. 

Now, add numbers to the mix - with 1 considered the worst quality silk and 6 considered the highest quality. 

So 6A is ranks as the best silk and like most commodities, the price of the top grade silk reflects its quality. 

That should make sense, but what about 22-Momme? 


"Momme" is the measurement of weight and density of the thread count within silk.

A higher number means there is more silk in every 100 yards of fabric.

Eg. 19-momme means a piece of silk fabric weighs 19 pounds. 

Higher graded momme means better quality, yet, there's a sweet spot.

If the amount is too high, it becomes overkill for things like bedding.

22-Momme is the sweet spot and perfect for bedding like COZO's. 

Lets talk about Mulberry Silk.

100% Mulberry Silk

Mulberry silk is THE luxury silk fabric spun.

It's the top-tier choice for textiles.

It's super soft, ultra-durable and it's affordable.

It has many of the benefits (albeit not as effective) that Eucalyptus silk possesses:

  • Moisture wicking
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Great for sensitive skin
  • Silky soft 
  • Cooling properties

However, it's far more expensive and energy intensive to produce compared to Eucalyptus.

While it may be softer than Eucalyptus, the difference in our opinion is marginal.

So there you have it.

Mulberry silk is the highest quality and best silk fabric on the market for customers.

It's why our product line started with both Mulberry and Eucalyptus silk options.

But that's about to change - COZO will soon be making a switch...

COZO's Commitment

At COZO, we're not just about selling high quality products.

We're about embracing a lifestyle that values sustainability, comfort, and ethical choices.

Our range of Eucalyptus silk products isn't just about sleep.

It's a step towards a more responsible, sustainable way of living.

That's why we've made the decision that moving forward, we'll be focusing more on our Eucalyptus silk range.

It's a decision we haven't taken lightly either, given the popularity of our Mulberry silk products. 

And for you?

Switching to Eucalyptus silk isn't better for just your skin or your sleep; it's a win for our planet.

You're choosing a path that says no to:

  • Harmful chemicals
  • Excessive water usage
  • Excessive energy usage
  • Practices that harm our silkworm friends

All without sacrificing your comfort or sleep performance! 

Anyways... I hope you learnt something from this explainer

Thanks for reading.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of using a COZO silk pillowcase or sleep mask, check out our products here

  • Great for your skin

    Our products are ultra-soft, hypoallergenic & reduce wrinkles, keeping your skin hydrated.

  • Perfect for all sleep positions

    Our versatile design caters to all types, whether you're a side, back or stomach sleeper.

  • Eco Friendly

    Responsibly sourced eucalyptus silk products. They are biodegradable, compostable and energy efficient to produce.

  • Blocks out all light

    Expertly designed Sleep Mask with 100% light blockage for an uninterrupted slumber.

  • Travel Friendly

    From long flights to midday naps, enjoy relaxation on demand.

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